Your accommodation

Your accommodation

You are a normalien or normalienne

The thurnes (or turnes, spelling only accepted in leap years) are, in the language of the School, the rooms made available to normaliens. Mostly individual, these rooms are spread over three sites: Panthéon, Jourdan and Montrouge.
All 1st year normaliens can benefit from a room if they request one. For any information on these rooms and their allocation during subsequent years of schooling, see the website of the general delegation , or write to

You are a master’s student

You will find a page on the PSL University website which lists numerous avenues for finding accommodation in Paris. You can also consult the Ulmobilier Facebook page which lists announcements.
Please also note that rooms are generally available on the ENS campus from February, and that they are given priority to masters students registered at the ENS.

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