The direction of student life:
a place where each student can grow,
connect and flourish.
Tiphaine de Gésincourt, director of student life
Tiphaine de Gésincourt is at your disposal to support you throughout your education at ENS-PSL on all aspects of your life at the School. She will be particularly present during the back-to-school events, a crucial stage for your integration into the School, to ensure that you begin this new adventure in the best possible conditions.
The missions of student life include support for student associations, support for projects relating to student life and advice on questions of accommodation, health and well-being. Our goal is to ensure that your experience at ENS-PSL is enriching and fulfilling at all levels.

Participate in community life!
The Party Organizing Committee (Comité d'organisation des fêtes - COF), the student office, constitutes the basis of associative life at the ENS-PSL. Its sixteen members are responsible for organizing the School's cultural and festive events, and managing around fifty clubs.
The clubs are shaped in the image of its 800 members.
From the emblematic PLS (Pôle Lumière et Son - Lights & Sound Department) and film club to the ENScape game, including Homônerie, the LGBTQIA+ club, ŒNS, the oenology club, and HackENS, the School's fablab, etc., associative life is particularly rich. An essential way to take part in campus life!