Welcome to ENS-PSL!
The ENS International Office is dedicated to your success at the ENS-PSL. Our team is very happy to welcome you to Paris in September!
We will do our best to ensure that your arrival at the ENS-PSL is as smooth and pleasant as possible.
You will also benefit from the support of the PSL Welcome Desk and ECLA (the ENS-PSL language center). ECLA offers an intensive French-language training session in September and weekly classes for different levels throughout the year.
Please make sure to read the Guide for International Students: it includes everything you need to know and do in order to land safely at the ENS-PSL. If you still have questions, check our Frequently Asked Questions about orientation. Wherever you are – welcome to the ENS-PSL!

The ENS International Office Team
- Cédric Guillerme, Director
- Anaëlle Durand, Head of International Cooperation
- Ramla Marchal, Erasmus+ Coordinator
- Ambroise Courant, Bilateral Exchanges Coordinator
- Marie Guyomarch, Project Manager, Italy Exchanges
Save the date
August 30th
Welcome day
From 10:30am to 5:00pm, ENS staff will give all international students an overview of what ENS offers and how it works, as well as information and advice about paperwork, health care, campus life and French classes.
From August 31st to September 12th
3 hours a day
3 hours a day
Learn / Improve your French
Whatever your level of French you will find at the ENS courses of French language and culture to help you in your studies and daily life in Paris.
A free intensive French course is offered to students of all levels. A programme of cultural activities in Paris, guided by a former ENS international student, will also help you improve your French and discover French culture.